
In Development

MIDI Controller



GigWiz transforms your iPhone into a powerful MIDI workstation, expanding the versatility of your MIDI keyboard. Create layered/split sounds with ease, make quick adjustments, and enhance your mobile setup for live performance



Create layered/split sounds with ease, make quick adjustments, and enhance your mobile setup for live performance

GigWiz is a powerful MIDI hardware controller designed to make live performance and music production easier and more intuitive. It solves a common problem for keyboardists who use mobile music setups – that app’s complex interface can be difficult to navigate while playing on stage. GigWiz streamlines the process by providing a traditional keyboard layout along with physical controls that allow players to quickly adjust their sound on the fly.

GigWiz can be used as a standard MIDI controller, but its true power comes from its efficient integration with the popular AUM app. AUM works like a VST host on iOS devices and can be difficult to navigate on stage. GigWiz’s intuitive design enhances the user experience by eliminating the need to navigate the app’s interface and making layered or split sounds and personalized adjustments from the convenience of physical hardware, just like a dedicated keyboard/workstation. With the addition of GigWiz and any MIDI-equipped keyboard, even a 10-year old iPhone can be turned into a standalone, stage-ready keyboard, making this setup an affordable alternative to mid-level dedicated keyboard workstations, with the added benefit of being easily expandable with new apps, sounds, and plugins.

The custom template for AUM features two modules – Module A for real instruments such as piano, Rhodes, and organ, and Module B for synth sounds. With the dedicated controllers of GigWiz, users can;

  • turn on/off modules A and B, 
  • layer modules(A+B) or split the keyboard (A/B or B/A),
  • quickly jump between presets for each module, 
  • change octaves or transpose, 
  • send sustain pedal messages,
  • send custom CC messages in ‘momentary’ or ‘toggle’ mode 
  • add reverb or delay separately to each module or the master output using the rotary encoder, 
  • change module volumes or the master volume with 3 Potentiometers, 
  • send pitchbend and custom CC messages using the Joystick and Fader

Visual feedback is also an essential feature for keyboardists who perform live or work in production settings. Being able to see which preset is currently selected, the position of octave buttons, and the level of the effects is crucial to any performance. GigWiz’s design includes a 128×64 OLED screen and 35 RGB LEDs for visual feedback. The OLED screen displays the current preset configuration and option menus, while the LEDs indicate various button functions. The LEDs also have another function – because of the semi transparent 3D printed plastic cover, they paint the entire device with two opposite color palettes (‘cold’ and ‘warm’, based on the selection of Modules A and B) to show players which module is currently selected. 



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